Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Kesedihan sang Newbie

This story to the senior on pico who have to blame the newbie..

Story: Luigi Kagayaku
Word donate(s): Bee, Niche, and my other best friend on pico or facebook...

Kesedihan sang Newbie

Hey para senior...
Kalian tidak mengerti?
Mengapa kalian suka mengejek newbie?
Mengapa kalian suka membullying mereka?
Mengapa? Mengapa?? Apa alasan kalian?

Kalian tidak tahu ya? Kalian dulu seperti mereka, ingatkah itu? Coba bayangkan, ketika kalian dibully atau diejek? Pasti kalian marah bukan?

Wahai senior pico... bukalah pintu hati kalian untuk mengajari newbie
Mereka tidak banyak pengetahuan, mereka ingin belajar
Tetapi, kalian hanya memberi kerugian bagi mereka

Wahai senior, kalian tidak tahu?
Pico adalah game sosial, bukan apa-apa kecuali menambah teman
Coba kalian instropeksi diri, apakah kalian ingin diperlakukan seperti itu?
Jika tidak mau, janganlah berbuat seperti itu...

Jika kalian pikir kalian lebih dewasa, hargailah yang masih anak-anak
Anak-anak hanya bergurau tetapi gurauan mereka berbeda dengan kalian
Anak-anak cenderung menerima dampak negatif ketika kalian memberikan pelajaran yang tidak baik
Cobalah kalian yang lebih dewasa mengajarkan moral dan nasihat kepada anak-anak

Coba kalian pikir kembali..
Siapa yang mengajar kalian?
Siapa yang membutuhkan teman? Siapa yang ingin bersosialisasi?
Tentu saja kalian dan semua orang..
Jadi, hormatilah orang lain sebagaimana mereka itu seperti kalian..


Tanggapan ini oleh temanku:

Bee: "Kalau menurut saya, para senior tuh sombong banget. Ga ngehargai orang lain. Belum tentu yang kaya itu menang lho. Mendingan para senior ga usah sombong deh. Belajar tidak membedakan orang. Sebagai senior seharusnya memberi contoh yang baik kepada newbie. Agar kelak ketika newbie sudah menjadi senior, mereka berperilaku baik."
Niche: "Marahi atau tegurlah dia. Ketika ikutan membullying, mereka semakin terpengaruh."
Sad: "Bisa jadi, senior itu sedikit kesel sama newbie itu, atau senior itu sifatnya suka ngebully."
Day: "Padahal ga baek kaya gitu. Sok2an, sok udah bersenior, berAG, ga mandang newbie, dia kagak inget apa-apa jadi newbie. Waktu newbie pasti kita dicaci maki, aku juga pernah ngerasain."
KhiKhi: "Padahal kan newbie emang iseng-iseng begitu atau yang udah gimana gitu."
Shiroi: "Yang pasti aku ga setuju newbie dikata2in, kaya dia kepinteran aja."

NB: Aku tidak membawa nama kalian, hanya untuk yang ingin isi pendapat saja. Aku tidak pandai membuat cerita, jadi mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan. Dan, jika ingin protes, email saja ke: rizuki.ruiji@gmail.com
Mau kata kasar boleh, tapi aku tidak terima komentar yang aneh-aneh dan menyepam.

Terima kasih buat pengisi pendapat, aku hargai nasihat kalian ^^ aku tidak suka membullying orang juga walaupun pernah. Nasihat kalian tidak akan aku lupakan ^^ bersamaan dengan blog-ku yang kuhargai juga..

-Luigi Kagayaku

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Small Competition I

Balik lagi ke blogger ini, lama tak update :3
Oh iya, sekarang blog ini udah non-official Kagayaku Family, soalnya famnya udah bubar :)

Aku ngadain kompetisi nih :) kompetisinya yaitu: Gambar pake paint/paint tool sai bertema "Easter Egg"

-Gambar bertema seperti di atas
-Jika sudah, kirim ke event seaching "Small Competition I"
-Join dulu eventnya
-Cantumkan ID pico kalian di dekripsi

Hadiah pemenang:
-Juara1: Mystery Gift + Add Buddy + Gambar paint tool sai dari aku
-Juara 2: Mystery Gift + Add Buddy
-Juara 3: Mystery Gift

Good luck ya
(Tgl 31 maret - Tgl 7 April)

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Painful Day for Leader

Well, I'm very disappointed with someone with write something in this blog (but, I'm deleted because afraid to become a spam posting)

In day of 19 June 2011, in Sunday. He is write this on blog:

"This time I will talking about Luigi and Carlo, about their way of talk
Maybe, they is forget the little accident on some time in past

HEY !! Are you two is forget !!!!
Who have make you two is be a CS !!!!
WHO !!!!
WHO !!!!
Yes, I'm the people that.
And,what your thankful !!I'm not invited to photo together,I'm never tag in photo edited !!,you is don't want !!sharing the story to me !!!!!
How painful that !!!!
I'm only have 1 word !!


by iweeder"

(any edited here from past posting)
Message from author:

Rizuki a.k.a Luigi:
Lol, the photo edited? photo together? tag? sharing story? Why you no ask to me? I don't know you want that. You never ask to me. Only Abi a.k.a Carlo and Rurui a.k.a Niagi is ask to me. Why you do not want join the sharing time?

Rurui a.k.a Niagi:
just that you have write that? you almost mocking Luigi like that. I'm dislike people who have mocking someone with no sins to you. Carlo is Luigi's best friend also they look like sibling. But, their CS is not make you upset, why you have mad because small problem? You is look like child. You is already Junior High School (before June he is Elementary)!! Do not judge the CS with the small problem.

Well, don't judge the siblings with small problem. ^^

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Being Polite User

Now, more pico user... Have chatting with abusive language, getting war with their speaking..

Are this game for searching Enemy?

Pico is social game, nothing people being search the enemy (especially when they is don't have friend and do anything with look like crazy people-_-)

More polite user, more enjoyable the game. I can't imaginated this game become a searching friend but they is used the bad word, look like event only 17+, war group A (example) and group B, Bullying, Poser, ect.

Bad word the first is f***, and the second is b****, and the third is n***, and more. People don't like who have say the bad word with the display, but the first is important is "Characteristic". If he/she are use the bad word, ask them with say polite language. No bullying, no poser, nothing cheater are save the Pico from bad community.

Do not ever join the group who have the mean is bad. Report your problem on pico to fans page Ameba Pico or Navy Pico 6 (admiral Brywij Etoile). Maybe they is listening your problem and solved it.

Look like the problem look like this (example):

"I'm opened Ameba Pico, and the problem...

-My clan, Black Royal City have war with other clan who have mocking my clan-
-I'm bullying with the word: 'Luigi, you doesn't like the real. You do not ever join your friend clan again'.-
-Any other pico is ask to me: 'Let's go to my room. I will show my *censored*'-
-In Bahasa Park, any people is cheat 'bigger', 'made in heaven', 'color talk bubble', and 'water on sky'-

I'm Yelling: People is mean to me. I hate that guy. Nothing people know my feeling. So, if you want kill me, kill me this second!"

Well, if you want other description, ask me on pico.. ^^

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Say NO to violence website!

Err.. LOL (=w=)/ I'll get a message look like this if I'm login blog:

"Blog ini terbuka hanya untuk pembaca yang diundang saja

Sepertinya Anda belum diundang untuk membaca blog ini. Jika Anda merasa ini adalah kesalahan, Anda mungkin ingin menghubungi penulis blog dan meminta sebuah undangan. Anda telah sign-in sebagai rizuki.ruiji@gmail.com - Sign in dengan account yang berbeda."

The mean:

This blog is open only to invited readers only

Looks like you have not been invited to read this blog. If you feel this is incorrect, you may want to contact the blog author and request an invitation. 

You have to sign in as rizuki.ruiji@gmail.com - Sign in with a different account

What?! Since I'm opened that blogger? Oh my =w=" that blog is a contain  adult material and violence. I'm never opened that website look like that. Do you know? I'm only 13th years old children who have to searching friend in facebook and ameba pico. =w=" but, the technology now is easy to access other website. Now, be careful for search the website.

Any website have positive content and negative content. The negative is example:

-Website with a content a porn and violence. If you know, never opened that.
-Website with gambling. But, it's okay on pico and pigg. ;)
-Website with fraud business. That is ultimatum yourself =w="

Look like a bad website with bad content. = =" But, you can handle with yourself. Don't opened that website, if you look at the bit of violence, close that tab. Or you have a important file, copy and save on MS word. ^^

Ah, yes! Be careful in your email too. Maybe that email contain the virus. Virus may infection your computer. So, you have delete that email. I hate the virus too, look like make my computer is must be restart because that and my CPU memory is full (I don't need explain that, maybe you is confused with my language).

So, good luck and handle yourself. ^^

-Luigi Kagayaku
-Maria Kagayaku
-Niagi Kagayaku

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Beware from copycat (change look, pico ID)

I'm have chat with Maria Kagayaku, she said:

Me: Hi.. ^^
Maria: *sigh!* I'm have copycat with someone.
Me: Eh?! Who is that?
Maria: She is ask me for copycat myself, I'm don't know she is copycat my name..
Me: .... That too bad, you must change your name.
Maria: Thanks.

OK, I'm understand with my member, she is copycat with someone. I'm must ask to the copycat from Maria for don't used a Maria's pico ID. Well, don't copycat please. ^^

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Happy Oliver

There are so many Picos who are wondering who is Happy Oliver. Do you want to know more about Him? Well let me tell you EVERYTHING!

Happy Oliver is a Special Pico Fairy who appears rarely in Pico World. He has a clover on top of his head and he usually wears a green shirt with a four clover leaf design and a green pants. He also has a four leaf clover painting on his face and h holds a four leaf clover. Happy Oliver is a party boy and he love to dance!

Like the other people thinks, Happy Oliver is NOT a computerized Pico, just like in quest that when you dance like 10 people, he will appear. Those rumors are not true. He visits the designated places of the campaign and visit the servers. But it doesn't mean that h will visit all servers of the campaign because imagine that if there are 100 servers of the campaign, he cant visit all of those servers because it's too many and you should remember that he is not a COMPUTER but he must be controlled by a Cyber Agent/ Ameba Pico Staff or the Game Master.

Happy Oliver rarely walks but instead he teleports. There are times that he's hard to catch and you should have to click and props him fast as soon as you see him before he dis appear. He also talk to us, like greetings but he doesn't really chat.

His campaign is usually held every 1 to 3 months -depends on the new updates and events and based on our observation- and choose the lucky winners and give 1000 Ameba Gold to them. The very first Happy Oliver campaign was held last May 20, 2010 at the parks for 1 week. And the VERY first lucky winner was Sydney Cohen.

Happy Oliver lucky winner 2010

May-20 [PARK] Win AmebaGold! Happy Oliver Campaign!

June- 11, 18, 28 - [PROM 2010] Every Friday's Special Event!

August 9, 10, 11 - [PARK] Happy Oliver Campaign in Matsuri Area!!

September 28-30 - [CASINO] Happy Oliver in the Casino Area!!!

(C$5,000 prize)

November 24-26 - [PARK] Props Happy Oliver and Win AG!!!
(Night Club)

Happy Oliver Lucky Winning 2011

February 23-25 - [1st Anniv. Event] Happy Oliver Campaign!!

May 18-20 - [Event] 5/18~20 Prom Oliver Campaign!!
(1st year of Happy Oliver Campaign)

July 27-29 - [Event] Meet Happy Oliver in Space!

Sept 28-29 - [EVENT] 9/28~9/29 Oliver Campaign!!

Congration for winning.. ^^

-Niagi Kagayaku

P.S: Congrats for Luigi, because he's winning on Prom Oliver's Champaign..

(with edited)